The lab (2435) is reserved on Monday's/Tuesday's between 8-10 and on Fridays 8-12.
Additionally, the lab is reserved from 8-12 on the days without lecture (Mo/Tue).
TA's will be available 50% of the time in the labs on Tuesday's and Friday's, and, on due date.
Please check the schedule for more details!
The assignments need to get approved by the TA's. All deadlines need to be met in order to be able to continue on the project part. The last 2 lab hours on a due date will be used for design approval.
Assignment 1: Deadline: November 10th.
Assignment 2: Deadline: November 21th.
Assignment 3: Deadline: December 5th.
Assignment 4: Deadline: December 15th.
Assignment 2 or 3 needs to be synthesized for:
1: maximum speed
2: Minimum area
Furthermore, it is required to place and route the design. Please use the tutorial.
A clean script is expected to get the task approved.
PnR Configuration files
Memory to be used for synthesis and PnR. Please read the read me file.
Encounter is memory hungry and needs to be executed on login-1.
ssh login-1 -l username
The environment for synthesis/PnR is setup with inittde farall
The environment for Modelsim is set up by executing
inittde msim63
Manuals can be read from $MODEL_SIM/docs/pdfdocs/_bk_modelsim_se.pdf