2017 September 5 - Grand Hotel | ||
09.30-10.00 | Registration and Coffee | |
10.00-10.30 | Welcome Ove Edfors, EIT, Lund University |
Session 1: High-performance analog electronics |
10.30-11.15 | Invited Presentation: RF Data Converters in 16nm FinFET for Wireless and Wired Infrastructure Applications Bob Verbruggen, Xilinx, Dublin, Ireland |
11.15-11.30 | A 2.8-3.8GHz Digital PLL with a Class-D DCO in 65 nm CMOS Ahmed Mahmoud, EIT, Lund University |
11.30-11.45 | 60 GHz VCOs and PLLs in 28 nm FDSOI CMOS Therese Forsberg, EIT, Lund University |
11.45-12.00 | A 16-20 GHz LO System for 24-30GHz 5G in 28 nm FDSOI CMOS Staffan Ek, Ericsson Research |
12.00-13.15 | Lunch | |
Session 2: Nano technologies |
13.15-14.00 | Invited Presentation: Network-based, parallel computation with molecular motors Heiner Linke, NanoLund, Lund University |
14.00-14.15 | Nanoscale materials integration - a key to the versatile circuits of tomorrow Mattias Borg, EIT, Lund University |
14.15-14.45 | Wednesday-poster pitches Poster presenters, EIT, Lund University |
14.45-15.15 | Coffee | |
Session 3: Massive MIMO systems |
15.15-16.00 | Implementing Massive MIMO: Old and new myths and questions Liesbet vd Perre, Lund University/KU Leuven |
16.00-16.15 | TDD/FDD massive MIMO: What does the data say? José Flordelis, EIT, Lund University |
16.15-16.30 | Reducing On-chip Memory for Massive MIMO Baseband Processing using Channel Compression Yangxurui Liu, EIT, Lund University |
16.30-17.00 | Invited Presentation: Building an IoT startup in the silicon industry – from start to acquisition Michal Stala, ARM, Lund |
19.00- | Dinner at Skissernas Muséum | |
2017 September 6 - Faculty of Engineering, Lund University |
09.00-09.15 | Coffee with Poster Session | |
Session 4: Future Technologies |
09.15-10.00 | Invited Presentation: Design of millimeterwave multifunction integrated circuits for data communication and remote sensing applications Herbert Zirath, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg |
10.00-10.15 | Millimeter-wave radar for material characterization Sebastian Heunich, EIT, Lund University |
10.15-11.00 | Invited Presentation: Intelligent self-adaptive sensing and computing towards always-on context-awareness Marian Verhelst, KU Leuven, Belgium |
11.00-11.30 | Coffee with continued Poster Session | |
Session 5: New directions |
11.30-12.15 | Invited Presentation: Connecting the dots in Health Technology Marianne Larsson, Director of innovation, Innovation Skåne |
12.15-12.35 | Intelligent surfaces Ove Edfors, EIT, Lund University |
12.35-12.45 | 3D-MUSE Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, Lund University |
12.45-13.00 | Closing Remarks Sven Mattisson, Ericsson, Chairman of the SoS Board |
13.00-14.30 | Lunch and continued Poster Session |